ANXIETY Self-care: Making Time for You! Part One
It is so easy to forget about looking after yourself when you are so busy looking after others. Mixed with working and studying it can be a challenge to take time out and give yourself some self-care and TLC. I have put together this blog post to give you some ideas of how you can relax and unwind to give yourself the treatment which you totally deserve. Some of these ideas require little effort but can instantly change your mood and bring happiness to your day. This is mostly aimed at those suffering with anxiety and depression but I believe that EVERYONE should make time for themselves. Enjoy the read and I hope you find this blog post interesting. . . 1. Yoga or meditation This has been one of the best things ever for me! I started yoga in March around about the time my anxiety and depression got really bad again. At this point I had also started to see a counsellor and she recommended yoga and meditation to me. There are lots of groups and classes you can join although the...